Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7

Greetings: God bless you this day!

The most important headline in our lives every day is the
very best news ever spoken... Christ the Savior is born!
(David McCasland-Our Daily Bread)

Look, here on the mountains, the feet of one who brings
good news, who proclaims peace. Nahum 1:15

And no matter the out-come of the election tomorrow,
there will be the good news that Jesus is still King.
And God is still in control!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

1 comment:

  1. Hi Freda! I saw a video on Facebook yesterday, where Steve Curtis Chapman (a Christian singer) performed a new song that pretty much reflects your post today.
    We may not know who will be our leader here, but we know who is in control always. God is on the Throne! In that, we can trust.
    Thanks for visiting me!
