Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 26

Greetings: God bless you this day!

Though we lack the insight of Habakkuk, to see the future,
we too can see what God has done on the earth. We  can also see
what he could not see, God's love expressed in His Son. So we can
join the prophet in praying, "I stand in awe of your deeds!" And we
can joyfully put our future in God's hands (Al Cornell-Power for Today)

Lord, I have heard of your fame. I stand in awe of your deeds.
Habakkuk 3:2

There are so many people that stand in awe of politicians, movie stars, sports
figures...but here are ones we should stand in awe of:
God who created us:
Jesus who died for our soul:
The soldier that died for our freedom:

Know I prasyed for you today. Blessings-Freda

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