Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30

Greetings;God bless you this day!

One look at a sunrise should cause us to exclaim ,"I love you, Jesus"
One note of birdsong  should prompt us to sing out,"I love you Lord."
(Bread From My Oven)

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4: 19

And His Creation speaks of His love and the fact He gave us someone to live for,
and to love also speaks of His love for us!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29

Greetings: God bless you this day!

It's easy to fall into the trap of complicating our lives. We think
if we don't follow this leader's four-step process or that speaker's
six-step plan, we'll miss God's will. God never intended our lives
to be so complex. If we simply obey Him, His plan will unfold.
(The Pocket Devotional)

As the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen
ones will enjoy the works of my hands. Isaiah 65:22

We humans, complicate everything. The more we invent, the more
complicated life gets!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28

Greetings: God bless you this day!

The world is ever wicked. It must have been difficult for Enoch to walk
with God while most of his generation was running after Satan. Times
have not changed. (Roger Chapman-Power for Today)

Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.
Genesis 5:24

I was always fascinated by this story and the story of  Elijah being taken to heaven
in a whirlwind. They are the only two that I know of that never tasted death. We may
not escape physical death, but we can escape spiritual death by walking with God.

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27

Greetings: God bless you this Lord's Day!

Think of every day with loved ones and friends as an opportunity
to add to your memory bank. Be extravagant in your deposits. You
will be blessed for the rest of your life.
(Mildred Counts-Power for Today)

The memory of the righteous will be a blessing. Proverbs 10:7

The memory of Mildred is certainly a blessing. She lived what she preached
and she made every day count. I didn't think I know of anyone that was more
hospitable or generous than Mildred was.

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26

Greetings: God bless you this day!

When you exercise patience in trying circumstances, people notice.
(The Pocket Devotional)

The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better
than pride. Do not be quickly provoked in spirit, for anger resides in
the lap of fools. Ecclesiastes 7:8-9

The  above Scripture is so true... every time I have impatiently let
anger rule... I've made a fool of myself!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25

Greetings: God bless you this day!

Compassion offers whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others.
(Our Daily Bread)

Jesus asked, "Where have you laid him?" (Lazarus) "Come and see
Lord," they replied. Jesus wept. John 11 34-35

Sometimes when  one has lost a loved one, the only thing you can do and
the best thing you can do is weep with them!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24

Greetings: God bless you this day!

When we can't find our way in the dark, we feel uncomfortable.
We second guess ourselves about things that we already know to
be true. That's what darkness does-it shrouds mankind in uncertainty
and doubt, and leaves us stumbling through life.
(Kerry Williams-Power for Today)

I am the light of the world. John 8:12

When we lose our way, we need only look up... He's always there, like a
compass and a lamp!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23

Greetings: God bless you this day!

When we look through the lens of love, we will see what God wants
us to see  (Upper Room)

The Lord does not look at things that man looks at. Man looks at
the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7

God does not care if we are pretty enough to win a beauty contest or
fast enough to win a race or smart enough to be a CEO or rich enough
to buy a company. He sees us through the eyes of Love and the perfection
of His Son!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22

Greetings: God bless you this day!

Job challenged God for answers, and when God answered it was
beyond his understanding and too wonderful for him to know. What
Job did know was that God knew it all, and it was all in His control.
(David Bearden-Power for Today)

Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me
to know. Job 42:3

There are so many things beyond my understanding... one being the direction
of our great nation... but I keep reminding myself that God is in CONTROL!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21

Greetings: God bless you this day!
Easter is over and the resurrected Jesus has appeared to many of His
disciples. He even prepared breakfast for them on the shore of the Sea of
Galilee. Today's poem is the last in the series of our Journey. "Galilee"

Did you ever play the trust game? One person crosses his/her arms , closes their eyes
and falls backward-utterly trusting the person standing behind them to catch them.
Thomas did not believe, the others had seen Jesus, even though Jesus had said He
would rise again. Thomas wanted proof. "Unless I see in his hands the mark of the
nails, and place my finger in his side I will never believe." (John 20:25)
Trusting God isn't a game... it is something you choose to do.
(Vantage Point Devotional)

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20:29

May your choice be to believe the Easter story!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20

Greetings: God bless you this day!
Happy Easter. My poem on our Journey to the cross today is:
"The Empty Tomb"

Christ's resurrection is cause for our celebration.
(Our Daily Bread)

He is not here, for He is risen like He said.
Matthew 28:6

And without that empty tomb, the world would still be in darkness!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 19

Greetings: God bless you this day!
As we said yesterday the journey to the cross has ended,
but that is not the end of the Easter story. Today is The Sabbath.
and a day of rest by the Jewish law. My poem today is: "A Day Of Rest"

All four gospels record the kindness of Joseph of Arimathea. Joseph was a rich
man and and a member of the Jewish council. He followed Christ secretly. He
went to Pilate and ask for the body of Jesus, and he and Nicodemus wrapped the
body in spices and laid it in Joseph's tomb. This act of kindness has lived through
the centuries to remind us that God remembers each kindness.
(Vantage Point Devotional)

Then he took the body and wrapped it in a linen shroud and laid him in a tomb cut in stone.
Luke 23:53

And know your every act of kindness is seen by God as well.

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18

Greetings: God bless you this day!
Blessings this "Good Friday!"
In our journey to the cross, today we have arrived.
My Poem today is; "Six Hours One Friday"

While dying on the cross for our sins Jesus asked God, "Why?" So
asking God why does not have to be wrong.  Just by including the
Lord in our thoughts shows a step of faith. So the why question is
not a sin, but doubting God answer is the sin.
(Daily Disciples Devotional)

And the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "My God, My God,
why have you forsaken me?" Mark 15:34

We may never have an answer to our why, in this life, but we can trust God
with the reason!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17

Greetings: God bless you this day!
Today is Day 5 on our journey to the cross.
Today's poem: "Gethsemane"

Christ's sacrifice was what God desired and our sin required.
(Our Daily Bread)

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his
friends. John 15:13

There is a song we sang that I love "He Still Came"  "He still came and
went to the cross, suffered shame and loss... He still came!" And while some
might die for a friend, He died for His enemies!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16

Greetings: God bless you this day!
Today is day 4 on our journey to the cross.
Today's poem "Betrayal "

After He finished washing their feet, (including the feet of Judas) He
instructed His disciples to follow His example of love and service,
not only to our friends who remain true, but also to those who have turned
against us. The question is this: Are we willing to follow Christ that far?
(Jan Knox-Power for Today)

If an enemy were insulting me I could endure it; But it is you, my companion,
my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship as we walked
with the throng in the house of God. Psalm 55:12-14

This is a tough act to follow, because it goes against human nature, which is to
strike back or get even! May God give us grace when it is very hard to forgive!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15

Greetings: God less you this day:
Day 3 for our journey to the cross; Today's poem:
"The Fig Tree Lesson"
It is really funny, searching for an appropriate subject, I looked
among my old Power for Today and picked this one without looking
the name of the contributor.

The church is a hospital, not a social club. We followers of Christ are
called to be healers of the hearts and souls. We give to others the love
and grace that we have received from Christ.
(Freda Fullerton-Power for Today)

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing
on his wings. Malachi 4:2

Sunday is Easter Sunday the day that more people will attend church than any other
day of the year... reach out with grace and love to the visitors to your congregation!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 13

Greetings: God bless you this day!
This is day 2 on our journey to the cross. Today's Poem:
"The Money Changers"

Even a small dime in our hands looks large when we hold it close to our
eyes. So material wealth can blot out everything else unless our eyes are
focused on Christ. Our perspective determines whether money is our god
or our servant. (Anita Price-Power for Today)

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
1 Timothy 6:10

If "love" makes the world go round." The "love of money" makes the world
go down. It starts wars, plots, betrays, cheats and commits murder.

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13

Greetings: God bless you this Lord's Day!
Today is Palm Sunday. All this week I will focus on Christ's
journey to the cross, and I invite you to go on that journey with me.
Today's poem is "Hosanna"

Stubbornness is sometimes rooted in pride, but commitment grows from
love. When Jesus went to the cross, "He steadfastly set His face to go to
Jerusalem." (Luke 9:51) From His determination to die for us, we should
find the resolve to live for Him. (David McCasland)

Blessed Is He that comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!
Matthew 21:9

We just can't begin to realize the LOVE He has for us!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 12

Greetings: God bless you this day!

Easter approaches-a time when people celebrate Jesus' death, burial
and resurrection.
Dwelling on spring flowers. colored eggs and Easter bunnies may seem
sacrilegious to some, while others find it hard to focus on the spiritual.
Mary and Martha are good examples. Mary was commended for listening
to Jesus and Martha was upset because she needed help with the meal.
A lot was happening. It was Passover season, their brother's funeral and
the threats on the life of Jesus. But Jesus directed their attention to Him as
the resurrection of life and raised their brother Lazarus from the dead.
So remember the Point: As in Christmas, Jesus is the "reason for the season"
(Vantage Point Devotional)

I am the resurrection and the life. He that believes in me will never die.
John 11:25

A wonderful season of hope and promise!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11

Greetings: God bless you this day!

Jesus healed the lame, crippled, blind and mute that followed Him around
the lake and up the mountain, great crowds came with Him. They never
gave up. Picture this same scene in your town, in your neighborhood.
Place yourself at the scene. Watch the people walk by as they avoid them or
stare at them. What is the difference in the two scenes? Jesus is the difference.
His compassion should be ours!( Jess Peterson-Power for Today)

I have compassion on these people; they have already been here three days and
they have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may
collapse on the way. Matthew 15:32

What do you see, when you see a homeless person on the street? I must confess
I've been one of those that looked the other way and I've been one of those that
have offered food, not money. I  always feel better when I offer the help than when
I look the other way!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10

Greetings: God bless you this day!

No matter how scary our journey may feel today or how hopeless
our future may look, the assurance of His never -failing presence
can provide us with the courage and confidence to make it through
and no matter how short life is, we will "always" be with Him.
(Joe Stowell-Our Daily Bread)

We shall" always" be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with
theses words. 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18

"Always" is a promise from God and when life seems to be tough, that promise
should be a life-line for us!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9

Greetings: God bless you this day!

When Moses asked God.  "whom shall I say sent  me?" God answered,
"I AM WHO I AM"  (Exodus 3:14) Jesus said, "I am the bread of life."
(John 6:35) "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12), "I am the good shepherd"
(John 10:9) "I am  the resurrection and the life." (John 11:25)  Consider and ponder
the "I AM'S" of Jesus during this Easter season! (Vantage Point Devotional)

Jesus said to, them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am."
John 8:58

 And He is the "I AM" today.  Satan couldn't control Him and the grave couldn't contain Him!

Know that I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8

Greetings: God bless you this day!

We can believe Jesus, when He says, "Let not your hearts be troubled"
The stronger our faith and the less we fret. Someday He will take us to
Himself. In the meantime, troubles will come, however they are temporary.
(David Gibson-Power for Today)

Peace I leave you. My peace I give you. Not as the world gives do I give
you. Let not your hearts be troubled. Neither let them be afraid.
John 14:27 (ESV)

We live in a scary world, filled with scary things: trouble, sorrow, pain, war
and violence!  How does one get out of bed and face a world like this, without

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7

Greetings God bless you this day!

Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. those
who mourn are people burdened down with great sorrow. That
sorrow can be from sin or death or great suffering. The daily
news speaks of suffering throughout the world as well as people
close to us and causes us to look for a source of solace. And that
is found in the God of all comfort.
(Howard Waldrip-Power for Today)

May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his
people with peace. Psalm 29:11

There is a fairly new song we sing at church... "Blessed Be Your Name"
"Every blessing you pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be your name.
It is easer to sing it, than to live it. But the choice is ours!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 6

Greetings God bless you this Lord's Day!

James Smithson died in 1829. He was an obscure scientist that few
knew anything about, but he gifted the U.S.A. with 500,000 to found
the Smithsonian Institution. We may not know much about him, but we
do know of his deeds. Many in the world do not know anymore about
Jesus then they do about James Smithson. In this month of the celebration
of Easter, give thanks and make known His Wonderful deeds.
(Vantage Point Devotional)

Give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his wonderful
deeds among the people. 1 Chronicles 16:8

There is an old gospel song ... "Will Not Tell It Today?" and what better day to tell
of His wonderful deeds?

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 5

Greetings: God bless you this day!
Today is our youngest grandson, Jeremy Walker's wedding day.
He and Leah  White will be married today in Memphis, TN.
Sadly we can't be there, but our heart is with them and we "hope"
they have a long and happy life together,

Do you need hope today? Pick up God's Word and ask Him to show
you His hope for your situation.  Regardless of where you are, He already
knows everything about it. Our affliction is but a moment compared to
eternal glory that awaits those who are in Christ.
(Daily Disciples Devotional)

Be of good courage. and he shall strengthen your heart. All you who hope
in the Lord. Psalm 21:34

Without hope we are lost, but with hope we can endure all things!

Know I prayed for today. Blessings-Freda

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4

Greetings: God bless you this day!

We can protect ourselves from error and deception by knowing the
false and relying on the truth, found in Jesus Christ.
(Marvin Williams)

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach any other gospel
other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned.
Galatians 1:8

And the best way to protect ourselves from false teaching... know the Word!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3

Greetings: God bless you this day!

Ephesians 6: reminds us that our battles are against powers of
darkness and against spiritual hosts of wickedness. These indeed
are mighty foes. While these are powerful enemies, we are more
than conquers through Him who loves us. (Bill Crowder)

In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved
us. Romans 8:37

Powerful words and powerful Scripture, but when we see our security
slip through our fingers, words do not seem to help much... that's why
God gave us each other... you can be the "security blanket," for someone

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2

Greetings: God bless you this day

With the speed of modern transportation it's possible to have breakfast
in New York and lunch in L.A. Modern travelers may go farther and
faster than ever before, but the need of God's constant care remains the
same.  God watches over His people wherever they are.
(Howard White- Power for Today)

If I ride on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even
there your hand will guide me your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:9-10 

Christians are sojourners in this land, travelers, traveling a road that leads home
and God is our guide... let him lead you around the pitfalls on the way!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1

Greetings: God bless you this day!

God has spoken: Prophecy was fulfilled! Jesus died for our sins,
according to the Scriptures. Who but God, could know and tell
these things. (Harold Simmons-Power for Today)

For what I received, I passed on to you as of first importance:
that Christ died for our sins. 1 Corinthians 15:3

And through the Scriptures, He still speaks. The rainbow and the cross
are symbols that God keeps His promises!

Know I prayed for you today. Blessings-Freda